What are Cleva Electric Appliance shipping modes?
Suzhou Cleva Electric Appliance Co., Ltd can ship by any method based on the time constraints and cost considerations of your individual project. For international destinations shipping, cost may vary. You are also welcome to arrange your own shipping. We have experienced partners all over the world that can help you through the whole shipping process. If needed, we can arrange the transport for you – whether through our own inter modal services, other suppliers or a combination of both. This will be determined by your own preferences as well as the availability of transport services at either port.
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Cleva Electric Appliance is a domestic leader in quality vacuum cleaner manufacturing. The vacmaster shop vac series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The production process of CLEVA quality vacuum follows extremely stringent GB and IEC standards. These standards ensure that it can reach the predetermined luminous efficiency. It has served brands such as Vacmaster, Vacmaster Professional, Duravac, and Kenmore. The weight, price, production date, use by date, ingredients, name of a producer company, usage details on this product provides major convenience to the seller and the consumer. It has a reliable and quiet brushless DC motor.
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We have successfully embedded sustainability into our core business. We reduce our environmental impact through the participation of all suppliers in our Sustainable Supply Chain initiative.

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