Is there instruction manual for top wet dry vac ?
Yes, we ship top wet dry vac together with an instruction manual for customers. It is provided in Chinese, English, and other languages considering the delivery destinations. There will be ingredients, caution information, methods of maintenance, application range and company information included in the manual. Also, there will be vivid product photos provided as a reference. There will be a detailed installation procedure provided in the manual to help customers in operation. Also, the electronic version of the instruction manual can be also offered once customers have such demand.

Our vacmaster shop vac helps CLEVA gain more approvals from clients. commercial vacuum series manufactured by Suzhou Cleva Electric Appliance Co., Ltdinclude multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. This product has obtained international quality certificates such as ISO9001. It is very popular in world markets such as the US and the UK. There are technical and outdoor wet dry vacuum support for our quality vacuum. It has a reliable and quiet brushless DC motor.

All of the production processes will be in line with mandatory environmental protection regulations. During our production, the wasted gas and water will be dealt with in a professional and sustainable manner to reduce pollution.
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