Does Cleva Electric Appliance have agents in foreign countries?
Presently, Suzhou Cleva Electric Appliance Co., Ltd urgently needs more agents in overseas countries. We consider that a broker acts on its own behalf in the foreign marketplace by introducing cordless lawn mower for clients. As a result of continuing imperfect sales system in the foreign market, we're still trying our best to accomplish this fantastic aim. With the expanding overseas business, we're in a desperate need of searching for trusted agents to assist us to market the brand popularity and image.
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Cleva Electric Appliance always lead China's best wet and dry vacuum cleaner for home field. The air mover series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. CLEVA best battery operated leaf blower is produced under standardized and scientific lighting standards. For example, the selection process of the light source highly meet the international lighting standards. It always attracts attention in exhibitions such as the National Hardware Show. The product is tested under the vigilance of our proficient professionals who clearly know quality standards in the industry. Its accessories are easily accessible when needed and can be stowed when not in use.
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We make efforts to advance sustainable practices. During our production, we make efforts to reduce production pollution&waste and improve energy efficiency.

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