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Advantages Of Best Vacuum Cleaner For Home Best For Cleaning


The biggest advantage of the sweeping robot is that as long as the mobile phone is remotely controlled, it can plan its own path to clean the whole house. Although it is noisy, it is possible to work when no one is at home, and it will not affect rest. After no electricity, it can return to the charging station to recharge by itself, and then continue to work. Even under the bed or under the sofa, as long as the gap height is approximately 12cm or more, it can be cleaned.

However, when choosing a sweeping robot, you must first see whether the home environment has passed the test before you can choose a product based on your needs and performance. Although sweeping robots have become more mature, they still have high requirements for a clean environment, and are suitable for home environments with large floor areas and no obstructions. If the apartment is small, there are a lot of debris on the ground, and there are wires on the ground, it will cause great obstacles to the sweeping robot. In addition, the sweeping robot is only a single floor cleaning tool that can only clean the ground and short-haired carpets.

Compared with sweeping robots, vacuum cleaners have many shortcomings, such as avoiding unavoidable noise and annoying annoyance; manual operation is required, and so on. But even so, the sweeping robot cannot shake the position of the vacuum cleaner in the cleaning industry. One of the main reasons is that it will not be limited by the home environment, and with continuous updates and iterations, it will not be very hard to use.

The vacuum cleaner has a composite floor brush that can effectively clean the dust, garbage and even hair on the ground, avoid the dust caused by the traditional broom, and can cope with the complicated environment that the sweeper cannot solve. In addition, it can be said that there is no other product that can replace the carpet cleaning by vacuum cleaners. The debris, dander, hair hidden in the carpet and the hairs of the carpet itself are difficult to remove by washing and patting, but the vacuum cleaner can efficiently clean up.

Did you know? You are not the only one sleeping in your bed! Tens of millions of mites accompany you every day, meeting your daily needs in your bed, and the feces and corpses of the mites may become allergic Source, prone to allergies, skin and respiratory diseases are prone to occur. The electric mite removal brush of the vacuum cleaner can deeply clean the mattress by suction and strong flapping. Some products indicate that it can achieve a 90% mite removal rate.

Due to the size of the house, many families choose sliding doors in the kitchen, but the rails below are very easy to accumulate garbage and difficult to clean. There are also more dust and debris accumulated in sofa gaps, car seat gaps, or corners. In addition, some of the peculiar shapes, there are many ornaments in the corners of dirt and dirt, etc., can be cleaned by flat nozzles or brushes.

In the author's opinion, the main reason why the sweeping robot cannot shake the position of the vacuum cleaner is as mentioned above. The vacuum cleaner is not limited by the environment and has a rich use of scenes. If your family needs a vacuum cleaner, you should also consider the battery life, filter system, and suction power of the vacuum cleaner.

advantages of vacuum cleaner
